Let's Go!

Hi Everyone,

How do you like the new digs? She grows up, and she grows up, huh?  Thank you for taking the leap and finding me here on my so fresh and so clean website, Woo-Hoo!

My apologies for the long absence, but I have actually been pretty busy all summer. I'm back at it producing VFX, what! What! I lived in Albuquerque, NM for thirteen weeks between May and August where I shared a home with a Texan, a South African, and two dogs. Good times. I wanted to write and post a blog about my Southwestern adventures while I was actually living in the Land of Enchantment, but it never felt right. I did use the time to revise, revise, and revise my 35x35 manuscript, but I am thrilled to announce my revision days are over. I turned in my beloved manuscript to my editor today for her to work her proofreading magic, and that will be that. The next step is sending it off to my publisher, and then he should have it released and out to all of you by the eleventh month of this year. Wonderful.

In the midst of all of this goodness, I am training for my first Ultra marathon. I will be racing the Ray Miller 50K in November. I am very excited, slightly frightened, but thrilled to take on a new challenge. 

My plan is to post here often, so please stay tuned... In the mean time, this photo represents my favorite memories of Albuquerque, Marion and murals.