The toxic cocktail of nearly seven days of minimal, if any, restless sleep, nearly triple digits temps, inside my house, and absolute frustration with the lack of empathy and professionalism certain customer service agents had with my situation was infuriating, and tipped me over the edge. I have a high tolerance for almost anything, but I cannot stand insufficient communication and dishonesty. If we can accomplish nothing else, it should be communicating with one another, and being sincere with our message, no matter what it is. Therefore, I am embarrassed to admit that at 10:35P on Thursday, 7/12, after the reality truly sunk in that I was not going to have any reprieve from the relentless heat, because the AC tech I was promised was in fact NOT showing up, I was brought to tears. They weren't weepy, dainty, silent tears either, they were wallowing sobs of desperate frustration. Sitting outside on my back patio I looked, felt, and sounded like the largest five year old on record waiting alone on the playground after school waiting for her mom to pick her up. It wasn’t my best moment.
Then Marion called.
From Iceland.
“Are you okay?” He asked groggily. I had texted him feverishly moments before, and it was around 6A his time.
“No!’ I erupted in inaudible wails followed by a sharp snort of embarrassed restraint, and finished with a quick, ‘see you tomorrow.” Lucky for him, he was flying home early.
That was the backdrop of my week. Fatigue and frustration.
I missed work to come home early to meet with an AC Tech twice. The first time, Monday night, I thought he fixed it, and actually slept soundly for two glorious nights. It was fantastic. Then as I arrived home on Wednesday night after a long, fun and festive day exploring LA with my brother Peter’s family, and devouring the most sumptuous pizza of my life at dinner with my step-sister Kendra’s family, and my mom and step-dad, I opened our front door and was walloped by a wall of heat. Silly Taryn, I was actually surprised. Mercifully, the come back of the toasty conditions were no match for my exhaustion. After discovering the fan was not moving at all on our AC unit, awesome, I collapsed on our bed in a heap and quickly fell asleep.
Peter, his daughter Kaia, his son, Reed, and their tall tour guide. Photo credit: Alexa Kelly
The following morning, Thursday, I set up another appointment for the same AC tech to come out that night to assess and hopefully fix the fan. I left work early again, but this time he bailed. I chased down other options from his company, and finally one of the agents promised another tech would come out at 10P. Perfect. Nope. He was a “no show,” too.
I felt rattled by the state of humanity.
This was not a leaky sink that was bothering me; I was living in near triple digit conditions, and needed help. I know how to run a marathon, but I do not know how to fix an air conditioner. I was frustrated that I was dependent on other people to fix it, but tragically those people clearly did not care about the position I was in. How could they not care? Cue the call from Marion and the tears mentioned in the previous scene.
Nevertheless, it was still an awesome week.
Lost In Space was nominated for an Emmy. AKA, Marion and I are going to the TV prom in September.
Also, soon after my not-so-mini breakdown, I accepted my fate and adapted to the heat. Open windows and numerous fans were my ambassadors to sleep. My dogs have been champs, too. I feel incredibly guilty that they have endured this madness, but I am thankful to have them by my side.
The mornings are the coolest part of our day.
Miraculously, by Saturday everything starting looking up.
Look for the BIG goggles. Photo credit: Bryan Mineo.
I swam in the ocean.
Photo credit: Lynne Fiedler.
Rode bikes with old and new friends.
And spent the day and night with nearly every member of the Kelly/Fox, (my Dad’s), side of my family. We were only missing my oldest brother, Tim, who was still grinding away in London. Although, through the magical powers of technology, Tim was able to watch the entire post dinner talent show extravaganza via FaceTime.
My brother Chris' first hilarious act. Photo credit: Mark Choate
The greatest bonus of all, and the absolute highlight of my week, was that Hannah was there, too. Sometimes I wonder if the reason why I haven’t had kids of my own is because I am afraid of loving another human being that much, but every time I see Hannah I know that can’t be it, because I already do.
My amazing family, Hannah, her step mom, and Marion. Photo credit: Alexa Kelly.
Not every member of my family will make it to Kona, but they will be with me in spirit, so I wanted to capture this moment of them with Simone to draw upon when I start swimming from Dig Me beach in less than three months. Thanks for playing along everyone.:)
Whole fam, plus Simone, but minus Tim. Photo credit: Mark Choate
In the meantime, I will be toeing the line at Santa Rosa 70.3 on July, 28th.:)
For my musical choice this week, I have something really special that I, (AJ), am dedicating to my own Nick, (Carly Fox), Brian, (Sarah Fox), Kevin, (Bo Fox), and Howie, (Peter Kelly). #BestActEver
AC UPDATE: Another tech, (from a different company), came by last night, and our machine still isn’t fixed… But, the new motor is ordered, so it should just be a few more days of heat acclimating and we will back to coolish breezes on Tulsa St.