I swam in the ocean on Saturday, and it was one of my favorite swims ever.
Nothing spectacular happened, the water was cold, but not freezing, the swell was present, but not overwhelming, it just felt familiar, and reminded me of the most valuable part of my life, my family.
The ocean is dependable, it is always there, yet it is always changing. Sometimes it is rough, scary even, but it can be gentle, and gives amazing hugs. It possesses the rare ability to both challenge and support at the same time, and somehow senses the exact moment to nudge me in the right direction.
It can look serene, yet feel like a washing machine.
It is inviting and deceiving.
It has earned respect, but doesn’t demand it.
Still, those who don’t give it, learn the hard way.
I have been hurt by it many times. Honestly, it makes me feel uneasy. However, I am in the most control when I let go of my need to have any control at all, when I relax and lean into the currents with each stroke instead of fighting them; simply listening, learning, and enjoying our time together.
I could swim in the ocean everyday. I live close enough to it, but I don't. I stay on land most days, but I never want to be too far away from it either.
I look forward to the moments when I do dive in to it, although I am never quite ready for the adventure beckoning beyond the shore, I still jump in head first every time.
The ocean is big, loud, crushing, exciting, fun, and beautiful, it makes me smile, and makes me cry, (for different, and similar reasons), I want it to care about me as much as I care about it.
It isn’t easy on me, but is always there for me.
I could challenge it, but I’d rather feel the flow within it, and emerge a saltier, truer version of myself every time we meet.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday celebrating with friends and family, and THANK YOU for reading my words every week, all year long; I am very thankful for ALL of YOU!!
The song choice this week is the classic, yet timely tune from Alanis Morisette, Hand In My Pocket. Enjoy.