I promised to make this short, so I will, because there are really only a couple of words I want to say, “Thank you.”
The outpouring of support and encouragement I received after posting my blog last week was incredible. Also, it was miraculous, because I believe all of that positive energy helped me heal up quicker than I would have on my own. Although, on my own was not at all how I have felt for the past ten days or so since this cavalcade of sickness invaded my lungs. Even though I have been mostly alone, (Marion flew to Montreal twenty-four hours after I arrived home from Colorado), I haven’t felt lonely for a second, and that is because of all of you, thank you!
However, to say that I have been enjoying all of this downtime from training would be untrue, (I can’t wait to start moving again), but I have been trying to make the best of it.
I will buy some furniture before Marion comes home, but in the meantime, this is all I need.
For example, I Marie Kondo’d our entire house. (See above). I’ve read a couple of books, (all were awesome), watched many documentaries, (some were great, some were horrible), I drove Marion’s new car, (eyeroll), which I fished-tailed slightly just getting into first gear at a stoplight, (it has some power). Also, I have been testing out new plant-based recipes that I have been dreaming up for months, (I have been wanting to create a dish starring Lemongrass since being inspired by my final dinner in Kona last year), and the gazpacho I made was actually pretty tasty. In essence, it has been a week full of, “Now that I have time….”
Three out of the four Kelly's, Mary, yours truly, and Peter.
However, the highlight of the week, (the highlight of the whole year), was spending time on Saturday with my family. I have shared many, many times how much my siblings mean to me, (that is a HUGE theme in my first book), so please excuse the redundancy, but I need to say it again, my two older brothers, Tim and Peter, and sister, Mary, are my heartbeat. I have spent nearly forty years, (just three months shy), trying to impress and make them like me, and even though these days, (years, really), all four of us are rarely together, (we are spread all over the world), we spent a few minutes on Saturday sharing the same conversation.
It was awesome.
All four Kelly's, and our dad.:)
My oldest brother Tim was at his new home in Boston, (his family will be moving back to the States soon after living in Europe for nearly a decade), while Mary, Peter and I were together at my dad’s house celebrating Father’s day. Therefore, we Facetimed with Tim, which was not quite the real thing, but still fantastic.
Another special part of Saturday, was that it was the first time I saw Peter since he ran the Boston marathon.
My bro, High School Cross Country Captain, and athlete on his way to his first Boston Marathon finish.
It was great to hear his play-by-play of the day in person, not only as his amazed little sister, but also as his very proud coach. There were a couple of adjustments we made over the final six weeks of his build toward the race that required his complete trust in me, which he gave, and I appreciated, (and thankfully worked out), because he ran a stellar race, finishing in 3:10:35. That’s fast.
Furthermore, there is not a person on earth that I am more proud and impressed by than my sister, Mary.
She is not only an amazing mother, and cool person who is finally not annoyed by me, (our first twenty years together were rough, but the second twenty have been wonderful), she is an entrepreneur who created a product that is not only very healthy, it is also delicious! www.sistershrub.com Most importantly, she is modeling for her two daughters, her little sister, (me), and many others, the feisty fortitude it takes to create and put a product out into the world, and then hustle every day to expand its reach. I will forever be a loyal customer, and a grateful sister of Sistershrub.
Sistershrub is the best ACV product on the market.:)
Finally, it felt like I guzzled a vile of reassuring life tonic to feel so loved understood by my parents.
An oldie, but a goodie from IMAZ, 2017. My dad and stepmon, Sally.
It has meant so much to have their support for all of my running and triathloning over the years, (accepting long ago that this was not a phase, but a way of life), and therefore acknowledging the impact that getting sick and not racing in Boulder had on me, but believing this was a pause, and not a stop in my story, and that I have a whole lot more extreme exercising in my future.
Speaking of which, my future starts tomorrow.
Simone is excited.
My lungs and bod feel great, and I am confident to move beyond this mandated pit stop, and onward in the direction of many more perspiring pursuits.
Gettin' ready to GET READY!
The song and video choice this week is an absolute gem, Taylor Swift’s new single, Calm Down. It is a great song with a powerful message, and the video is beautiful, packed with cameos, and fun.