I just finished reading a book for the second time last night. That is not the first time I have read a book more than once. I read Judy Blume’s, Superfudge and Roald Dahl’s, Matilda at least five times in the late 80’s; learning something new and enjoying my favorite parts on every occasion. I prefer to read one book per week, but that has been a challenge in our current climate. As a published author I have no issue buying books, (writers deserve every cent), but I do miss pre-COVID visits to my neighborhood library. I miss the joy of discovering a new author or topic to read about, and I miss standing alone and in awe surrounded by stacks of books. The closest book store is a thirty minute drive from my house which isn't that far away, but far enough that I only venture that way when I have the whole day open to peruse the aisles in search of inspiration. Therefore, most of my books I read come from Amazon and my personal library, hence re-reading a handful of books this year like the aforementioned, The Champion’s Mind by Jim Afremow. Just like Matilda and Superfudge, I enjoyed it just as much as the first reading, but appreciated it more the second time around. Actually, appreciating re-runs has been a similar theme throughout my life.
November reading Round-Up.
I watched Titanic nine times in the theater, (I cried every time), I never missed a Real World marathon in college, I used re-runs of Beverly Hills, 90210 as a guide to parenting Hannah, (Jim and Cindy Walsh displayed near perfect parenting skills), and I have run more than one marathon. In essence, I believe everything interesting in life deserves closer inspection than just a single experience.
I can’t learn everything about a person after one conversation, I’m still learning about myself after four decades of daily dalliances. Moreover, Marion surprises me at least once a week, and we’re venturing into our seventeenth year together. Fun Fact: He likes running on treadmills. Huh.
Chillin' near Zuma Beach on Thanksgiving.
I don’t believe in perfection, but I do believe in introspection.
Breezy holiday conditions in Malibu.
Everything could be better: people, places, races, workouts, essays, chocolate chip cookies… but there is a ton of fun, adventure, frustration and joy pursuing where better meets best. If that means watching, reading, and/or listening to an experience twice, or many times twice, I’m in. I don’t mind being wrong, but I will never give up trying to be right.
Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 10K Track Time.
Which reminds me, I ran another 10K on the track last Thursday to kick off Thanksgiving, and although I was not as speedy as I would have liked, 44:19, it was a staggering improvement from my first try at that distance on the track back in early August. That was the day that my high-hamstring glute injury declared it was not ready to leave the party, forcing twenty-five very painful laps around the track. Thankfully, just like the second time I read The Champion's Mind, or the second time I watched Titanic in the theater, January 1st, 1998, my second 10K around the track was better than the first. I can't wait until the next time I get to run it.
The song and video choice this week is the haunting tune, Fire For You, from the group, Cannons.