Real talk. I don’t feel very good.
I am overwhelmed with the volatile state our country is in right now, (I cannot stand conflict), and I have been doing everything in my power in my role as wife/producer the past few weeks to make sure Marion is fed, functional, rested, and rejuvenated for his six-days a week/eighteen hour work days on set, (I should say seven, because they find him on Sundays, too). Anyway, I am trying, and mostly accomplishing all of the training I need to do for Taryn’s Iron Journey From The Valley To The Sea iron(WO)man event, but my sleep has been spotty, my skin is on fire, and I am lonely. I miss my Mom, I miss my brothers and sisters, and I miss my friends. I feel emotionally and physically far away from everyone I care about, and am drained and spun-out from the never-ending roller-coaster 2020 keeps whipping us around on.
All that said, instead of racking my brain for hours trying to round out these thoughts and feelings in digestible prose for all of you, I am going to post them as is, because I believe you can handle the truth, and I have faith that you know days like this happen. I am not immune to the blues, none of us are, but I am even more passionate and determined about climbing out of these dark holes, which is my top priority today.
Therefore, next I am going to hit “Publish,” feed my dogs, swim, and go find some place to run far away from my doorstep.
Or, Option b.) I am going to find an empty warehouse to dance and roll around by myself like my girl Robyn does in this amazing video for her fantastic song, “Call Your Girlfriend.”