“Sand, the raw material of silicon.”
- Walter Isaacson
I didn't know that before 7:15A this morning, that sand was the raw material of silicon, pretty cool, right? That is why I love reading, and especially love reading about topics that are outside of my wheelhouse, like technology, the theme of Walter Isaacson’s book, The Innovators.
A topic I do love, and one that plays to my strengths (memory, especially dates), is history. That is why it has been fun this week to learn while reading the The Innovators and The Tipping Point, (Malcolm Gladwell’s classic that I am taking for a second spin) all about the timeline and characters that made it possible for me to my write blog (on my personal computer), post it (on the internet), and then spread it (by some of you sharing it), in the hope of creating and strengthening our connection. Moreover, that is why I write and post my blog every week, as a way to share my story in an effort to connect with all of you. It turns out that is why the personal computer and the internet were created, too, as methods to connect with eachother.
*True, my pal, Al Gore, played a HUGE role in making the internet open and available to the masses, but there is MUCH more to the "Information Superhighway" origin story.*
Book's #62 and #63 of the year.:)
I am hustling to finish reading both books before we hit the road to El Paso tomorrow to visit Marion's family for Thanksgiving.
Naturally, COVID stifled our in-person interaction for all of 2020 and most of 2021, and although the internet has made it possible for us to connect, some quality face to face family time will be awesome. I cannot not wait to hear my favorite southern phrase, “Let me hug your neck!” My neck is more than ready to be hugged.:)
It will also be uncomfortable at times, I’m sure, (per usual in large family settings), there are many topics we do not agree on, but we do all love and respect each other, and despite our varying POV’s, we want and need to connect.
It’s time.
It’s time to listen, to hug, to laugh, to share, to eat, to run (I can’t wait to run with my sister in law, Ecklyn, and her crew), and most of all, it's time to be thankful for the chance to connect with eachother.
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL and SAFE Thanksgiving holiday, and if you have any free time, I suggest reading any of Malcolm Gladwell or Walter Isaacson's books, or watching Red Notice on Netflix, it’s a fun action movie starring my three favorite actors and humans to look at, The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot. On the other hand, if you want to watch a lower budget, but equally entertaining “Docu-Style” flick, check out the mini-movie I made of our Biscay Coaching Backbone Camp trail running adventures HERE:
Finally, the song and video choice this week is a classic from my girl, and finally FREE, Britney Spears, Lucky.