Kitchen hugs are a staple in my family. They’re always nice, but even more so, always love-affirming. They provide a moment to exhale, to lump over in a loved one’s embrace, soak in their strength, inhale a deep breath, and move along to the next task at hand usually involving setting the table, stirring sauces, or if on the other side of dinner, drying clean dishes. I’ve given and received many kitchen hugs in the last four decades, (except last year, there were minimal kitchen hugs in 2020), but I indulged in one of hopefully a bounty in 2021 late yesterday afternoon.
I was having a rough day, and my husband, Marion, helped pull me through it. So while he was filling up his water bottle in the kitchen sink, (yes, we’re tap people), I wrapped my arms around him, rested my head behind his neck, (he’s a couple inches shorter than me, so this nook is a nice comfy shelf), closed my eyes, and said, “Thank you.”
Post kitchen hug, circa 2018.
I instantly felt better, and I think he did, too.
Kitchen hugs, not a cure-all, but definitely a can cure a lot.
The song and video choice today is an upbeat tune and cinematic wonder that may inspire a walk in the woods, and/or a visit to a Range Rover dealership, Kygo's, Happy Now, featuring Sandro Cavazza.