Dreaming is cheap, but hope is powerful. - Katie Brownell
Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of riding twice in one week, (AND swimming one very long/challenging workout) with a wonderful person, triathlete, writer, and friend, Katie Brownell. I had only met Katie in real life briefly on one occasion over a year ago in the transition area on race morning at Ironman La Quinta, 70.3, but we were virtual buds for years as teammates on TeamSFQ, so I was thrilled when she reached out to see if we could ride some sunny SoCal miles together during her week long escape from snowy Colorado.
We rode along PCH on Thursday and Saturday of that week, and she guided/pulled me in the Rose Bowl pool in Pasadena the Friday in-between. Not only did we vibe well on our bikes and in the water, but we dove into deep conversations easily, and I believe forged a genuine friendship in speedy formation.
Plus, we both appreciate a quality shot for the "Gram." (Instagram)
Grabbing shots midride in Camarillo, CA.
Katie is also a Blogger.
I have been an avid reader of her blog for years, and although she laid off the keys for a well-deserved respite over the last year or so, I was surprised and ecstatic that she has recently revived it for both my own interest and education, (she is an astounding writer), and to share her fluid and meaningful words with all of you.
I hope you enjoy Katie’s beautiful piece about HOPE by clicking here:
Also, I hope you enjoy your Saturday, and what come as no surprise at a all, I have a standing date with my bike, Big Red, and the Pacific Ocean that I need to hustle off to.
The song and video today is a extra special because the video is a docu-style format featuring fans all over the globe sharing what they love most in their lives. It warmed my heart watching it, and I think you'll dig it, too.:) Here is Maroon 5's Daylight.