It’s okay to be upset. It’s hard to believe this is happening, that it is real, and not some straight to video dystopian B movie, rather it is literally what happens when reality TV goes wrong.
I am upset. I feel sick, sad, disappointed, and angry, but even in these confusing and unnerving times I cannot, and will not, shake my optimism.
I have faith common sense will somehow sift through the rubble and dust from the overwhelming storm cloud of frustration that clings to the fabric of every single person in our country, and beyond, because I believe that is a sentiment we can all agree on, we are frustrated.
And tired.
But not alone.
We need to check in on each other, lean on each other, remind each other to hydrate, sleep, refuel, and that empathy does exist, humanity is inherently good and not evil, that smiling is fun, laughter adds time to our health span, hugging feels good, and that real leaders do not push down their opponents (or teammates), they pull up everyone behind them, and move them ahead, choosing to protect versus persecute, and support versus tear down.
We need to encourage new and inspiring leadership that wants to close the gigantic cypher in our country and move us all toward a brighter, and yes, I’ll say it, joyful direction. Even though it feels like we are standing alone sans Goretex under a dark cloud that is pelting frigid rain, I believe we can find warmth and comfort in each other and have a lot to look forward to, but we need to see each other and focus.
The midterms are less than two years away, let’s GO!
The song and video choice this week is as on the nose as you could imagine.