Today is the last day of the year. Otherwise known as New Year’s Eve, number 365 of 365, the final stretch of another lap around the sun, (nice work, Earth), but it is also Tuesday, the day of the week I write and publish my blog. I have written my blog nearly every Tuesday in 2019, (the Ultraman post was late, but I am confident its girth made up for its tardiness), whether I wanted to or not, which makes today a significant way to cap off the most difficult and enriching year of my life, the chance to write about how and why it was the most enriching and difficult year of my life.
In 2019, my body built up, broke down, and built back up again. I learned that I am not too old to be bullied, and I am never too proud to stick up for people; even if it is a losing situation for me, my values are intact, and that is the recipe for real success. I gained friendships that I didn't see coming, (from people I knew and didn’t know in 2018), but are now on speed dial, (if that was still such a thing). I accepted I am not physically invincible, but am much more emotionally resilient than I ever gave myself credit for, a complete juxtaposition from how I lived the first forty years of my life.
A still from my infamous, "Not Racing IM Boulder" video.
In 2019, I was pinched and punched more than usual. I realized being kind, positive, and hard-working doesn’t guarantee anything, neither success or failure, but that I possess a secret weapon that will outlast any challenge or dreary disruption tossed my way, creativity.
Last January, writing on the Malibu pier.
I bet you thought I was going to say optimism? Nope. I am more of a Realist than Optimist these days. I embrace both the tough and tremendous moments that tag each other in and out everyday, they are equally invigorating and annoying, but they are all important, and simply part and parcel of participating in the game of life. Okay, who are we kidding? I am still about 80/20 Optimist/Realist.:)
My current life motto.:)
In 2019, I realized that my heroes are human. They get sick, they inspire, they get tired, they are resolute in their conviction, but are still willing to ask for help. They listen, they lead, they live with integrity and imperfection, and some even invited me to lean on them for strength when I never knew I could, would need to, or wanted to, but I am so glad I did.
Last Sunday, minutes before heading for my final run of a big running week.
In essence, I am not sorry to see 2019 go, it wasn’t easy, but it sure was entertaining, so I wouldn’t change a thing about it, but I wouldn’t want to relive any of it either. I know it had its purpose, to help me align mine by shaking and shoving me around and testing my patience. Thankfully, I am standing sturdier than ever at the end of it, focused on where I want to go, and ready to move forward.
The song and video choice this week is one of my favorite's of 2019, and a fitting end to my experience of it, "Hey look Ma, I Made It," from Panic! At The Disco.