I think the phrase, “Chasing our dreams” needs to be revised. I don’t believe our dreams are actively moving away from us, rather they’re just sitting peacefully in place far away from where we are right now.
I had that mind-blowing revelation while laying down a few minutes ago in an attempt to move through my writer’s block for this week’s blog post. While staring at my bedroom ceiling, I recalled the amazing distance runner, Steph Bruce’s midday post on Instagram about the Olympics being postponed to 2021, “May we all adjust our sails in this uncertain time and keep believing, keep hoping, and keep chasing our dreams however we can.” If I am being completely honest, I would just do away with the word dreams altogether, (in any scenario when it is not connected with sleep), replace it with goals, and swap out chasing to pursuing, to end up with this, “May we all adjust our sails in this uncertain time and keep believing, keep hoping, and keep pursuing our goals however we can.”
I can only imagine how an Olympic level athlete must feel to now have their four year/lifetime pursuit postponed, but I have complete confidence they will adapt, because that is what humans do best. This last year has been one set back after another for me, (I won’t be redundant, I’ve written about them enough), yet every scenario has provided a new set of tools to draw on now, when the fit is really hitting the shan.
I know rest and time off from running will not make me a slower runner, (muscle memory is real), so is recovery and learning and ingraining better routines for pre and post workouts, something I would not have paid much attention to if I wasn’t forced to start Physical Therapy, (thank you, LA marathon). Also, I know that no matter how many yards I swim, (or don’t), biking is what matters most in triathlon, and thankfully, is an acceptable means of social distancing, plus the one activity I can physically do right now. #winwin
I have faith my goals aren’t running away from me, (which is great, because I literally can’t chase them right now,) but that they are still out there, waiting, and it will just take more time and tenacity for me to reach them.
Speaking of what else is worth waiting for, a new tune and video from Justin Timberlake and SZA, The Other Side, from the Trolls World Tour soundtrack.
*BONUS* Following is the link to episode #74 of the Mile After Mile podcast, where I shared about my experience racing Alaskman. Fun stuff.:)