It’s the second day of Hannukah, the last Tuesday before Christmas, Winter Solstice Eve… all signs of that time of year when many of us are leaning into time off from work, school, structured training, etc., where slow cold mornings are welcomed with deep inhales, long exhales, heavy mugs of coffee, and boredom.
Yes, although it may get a bad rap in our instant gratification obsessed society, I believe that boredom is the gateway to brilliance.
Therefore, my Holiday wish is to let yourself be bored. Soak it up, let it get next to you, listen to it, and then listen to what it is poking you to do, whatever it is that you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t had the time to plan for, or really think about, all year, because there is too much buzzing of everyday life that blocks the trailhead toward it, until now...
Earlier this evening on a weighted hike with my hub, Marion.
Hopefully, at some point over these next couple of weeks when you begin stirring out of the second catnap of the day, unsure of what to do next, because every “to do” on your list is done, still drowsy and drenched in rest, suddenly you’ll feel it, the instant clarity that’s been dulled all year is right in front of you.
Don’t blink.
The key is to hold focus, don’t let it go, don’t let yourself go, punch through that cocoon of boredom and wake up to the reality that you’re ready to do what you want to do the rest of the day, the rest of the year, and for the rest of your life.
Let’s GO!!
The song and video choice this week is my annual Christmas week pick, AKA, my favorite holiday anthem of all time. Enjoy.:)