Greetings, so #realtalk, there is too much going on right now (directly and indirectly) in your trusty Tuesday blogger’s life to stop, process, and share through writing, so I am pressing pause on any in-depth blogs until early to mid-August.
Therefore, I am sending this week’s post out early because I will be traveling ALL day this Tuesday En route to Washington Island, WI (which I won’t set foot on until Wednesday) to crew for Heidi’s 500 Project at the Washington Island Ultra Event, and if this years’ experience is anything like it was in 2020, it’s going to be a very emotional and exhausting week for this tall redhead, and I won’t be pedaling anywhere near 500 miles on my #crewlife beach cruiser.
Heidi on the night before the Washington Island Ultra, 2020.
**Please send ALL of the positive vibes and steer your Care Bear Stares toward Heidi from 10P on Thursday, 7/28, through 10A (maybe longer) on Saturday, 7/30.**
Nevertheless, I am looking forward to unpacking this overly action-packed July once I have some time to settle down, but I won’t have that chance for at least another week or so.
Until then, I recommend reading the 50th book I've read so far this year, 7 1/2 Lessons About The Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett.
Book #50 of 2022.
Then watch the unnerving and viscerally entertaining new show on HULU, The Bear.
This show is so good.
And if for some ridiculous reason you have NOT watched Top Gun Maverick in the theater, for the love of all… GO NOW before it is gone from the big screen good!!
It's a FUN ride!!
Finally, try to sneak in a hug when you get to meet your heroes in real life; even if it’s a little tight, I promise you’ll be happy that you squeezed too hard, then not hard enough.
Post very successful 10K run last Saturday with my big brother, Tim.
The song and video choice this week is a throwback to a simpler time riding in the backseat of a 1984 Honda Accord.